Vintage autos and their owners from times gone by

Archive for August, 2015

When cars were king

51 olds 98

This was either photographed in Texas (license plate) or this young Texas native and his parents went on a trip somewhere in their 1951 Oldsmobile 98 and felt a pose was in order. It could even be possible that this car isn’t his or his parents at all, just a backdrop for a kid in his knickers who has a fondness for sign posts. It’s all a mystery isn’t it. I liked this picture because of the car, obviously, but also for the Chevrolet billboard pictured across the street. Cars were king back then. Good times.

Tripped up by a Packard

1948 Packard Custom Eight Series 22 Club Coupe

Oh, you might think by the way they are dressed, and posed, that these folks were the down to earth, rural farming type but you couldn’t be more incorrect. Remove the apron, the ACE bandage style stockings and those football cleats and Roberta Carburry will transform herself into a rum-running, pie-baking party animal. To her left is not her husband, that’s Stewart, her cousin. “Stew” plays both the washboard, and the saw, in the local metal band, Hell’s Fetus. They might have pulled off this “rural farmer” masquerade had it not been for the 1948 Packard Custom Eight Series 22 Club Coupe in their backyard. It blew their entire act.

50’s photo bomb

57 buick century riviera sedanI’m thinking this is a shot of Gerty and Ferd Fowler* with their grandkids, all about to leave Mom & Dad to give them a break for a couple of summer weeks. Why am I guessing that they’re leaving? Look at how happy everyone is. Do you think they’d look like that returning home AFTER a couple weeks with the grandkids? Oh, the car! Right! The car is a fairly rare 1957 Buick Century Riviera Sedan. 

*Written on the back of this photo are the names “Philip, Brian, Nana & Grandpa McCarthy, July 1958”. The names, Gerty and Ferd Fowler, were used to protect the innocent.



48 49 stude champion


They say, everyone in the world has a twin. And Ruth Rovedatti’s (I made that up) “twin” just happens to be a 1949 Studebaker Champion. Say what you will, but you can’t deny the similarities in their smiles, even their poses – right foot kicked out, right tire kicked out. Uncanny. And although we can’t see the interior of the Studebaker, I’ll bet it has fine, custom-fit, stretchy seat covers. Why? Look at her sweater! Take the bet! Take the bet!